The Science of Happiness at Work, Certificate | Part time online | edX - online learning platform | United States
3 months
597 USD/full
597 USD/full
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EdX is an online learning platform trusted by over 12 million users offering the The Science of Happiness at Work Professional Certifiicate in collaboration with University of California, Berkeley - UC BerkeleyX. Learn to boost satisfaction, engagement, and collaboration.

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People who are happier at work are more committed to their organization, rise to positions of leadership more rapidly, are more productive and creative, and suffer fewer health problems. 

More and more, research is suggesting that happiness should not be an afterthought for workplaces; it should be an essential goal, entwined with the kinds of 21st century skills that are key to individual and organizational success today. But how can you increase happiness at work within yourself and across your organization?

In The Science of Happiness at Work Professional Certificate Program, which is offered by EdX with University of California, Berkeley - UC BerkeleyX, you will learn the hallmarks and benefits of a happy workplace, and you’ll come away with concrete, research-based strategies you can implement—individually or in teams—to boost your own emotional well-being, support the well-being of colleagues and employees, and foster a workplace culture of happiness. 

All lessons in the program are based on the most up-to-date scientific research, particularly from the fields of psychology, business, and neuroscience.

Over its three courses, the program will explain why happiness matters for your workplace; offer specific practices for fostering positive emotions like gratitude; help you build resilience to stress, particularly through the practice of mindfulness; and teach the importance of positive, trusting, collaborative relationships at work, drawing on the skills of empathy and emotional intelligence. Woven throughout the courses will be special tips for workplace leaders, helping them understand how to build a positive organizational culture through socially intelligent leadership.

The program will be taught by expert faculty from UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center (GGSC), a leading authority on the science of happiness. They will build on insights from the GGSC’s Science of Happiness MOOC, the global phenomenon that has brought this science to half a million students worldwide. This new program will zero in on the particular challenges—and opportunities—in bringing a greater sense of happiness and meaning to your life at work. Insights from leading scientific studies will be distilled into actionable lessons, and they will be brought to life by real-world case studies.

In completing this program, you’ll not only be better equipped to identify the level of happiness within your organization and help colleagues understand why happiness is a worthwhile goal. You’ll also be equipped to support engagement and productivity within your organization and strengthen your sense of belonging, purpose, meaning, and satisfaction—not only at the office but in your life as a whole.

Job Outlook

  • Happier people are more engaged and productive and do higher quality work. 
  • People who are happier at work get promoted more quickly and are less likely to lose their jobs. 
  • The skills that are key to happiness are also the “21st Century Skills” that employers are looking for today, including strong collaboration and interpersonal skills. 
  • Workplaces that foster happiness among their employees see benefits to productivity and innovation, increased customer loyalty, and less turnover, among other advantages to the bottom line.
  • Leaders high in social and emotional intelligence are more likely to have satisfied employees and to retain their positions of authority.

What You'll Learn:

  • The research-based benefits of experiencing happiness at work, for both individuals and organizations as a whole
  • How to evaluate the level of happiness in an organization
  • Concrete strategies for boosting happiness and resilience to stress
  • How to build more cooperative and collaborative workplace relationships
  • How to lead with social and emotional intelligence

Programme Structure

Courses include:

  • Happiness at Work

  • Mindfulness and Resilience to Stress at Work

  • Empathy and Emotional Intelligence at the Work


Expert instruction

Key information


  • Part-time
    • 3 months
    • 1 hrs/week

Start dates & application deadlines

You can apply for and start this programme anytime.




  • Self-paced

Academic requirements

We are not aware of any specific GRE, GMAT or GPA grading score requirements for this programme.

English requirements

We are not aware of any English requirements for this programme.

Tuition Fee

To always see correct tuition fees
  • International

    597 USD/full
    Tuition Fee
    Based on the tuition of 597 USD for the full programme during 3 months.
  • National

    597 USD/full
    Tuition Fee
    Based on the tuition of 597 USD for the full programme during 3 months.


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The Science of Happiness at Work
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