
Indian Institute of Technology Madras

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Indian Institute of Technology Madras is one among the foremost institutes of national importance in higher technological education, basic and applied research. In 1956, the German Government offered technical assistance for establishing an institute of higher education in engineering in India.


Indian Institute of Technology Madras is one among the foremost institutes of national importance in higher technological education, basic and applied research. In 1956, the German Government offered technical assistance for establishing an institute of higher education in engineering in India. The first Indo-German agreement in West Germany was signed in 1959.


The departments and centres of the Institute are responsible for the academic activities which include Teaching, Research and Industrial Consultancy.The courses of study are organized on semester programs and each semester provides for a minimum of seventy instructional days. The medium of instruction is English. Students are evaluated on a continuous basis throughout the semester. Evaluation is done by the faculty, a consequence of the autonomous status granted to the Institute. Research work is evaluated on the basis of the review thesis by peer examiners both from within the country and abroad.


The centre for Industrial Consultancy and Sponsored Research (IC&SR) was set up in the early seventies to promote interaction between the Industry and the Institute. Today, the centre for IC&SR is an independent section of the Institute, headed by a Dean. Over the years, this centre has played a vital role in bringing together the people from the Industry and the faculty of the Institute resulting in important contributions to design and development in the country.

University Ranking

QS World University Rankings by TopUniversities
227 58
285 -35
QS World University Rankings is one of the top international rankings measuring the popularity and performance of universities all over the world.
Academic Ranking of World Universities by Shanghai Jiao Tong University
801 -100
ARWU World University rankings is the first world university ranking. It ranks the world's top 1000 colleges and universities based on objective indicator.
Best Global Universities Rankings by U.S. News & World Report
635 -30
Best Global Universities Rankings by U.S. News & World Report presents all the top universities from the U.S. and 60 other countries around the world.

Housing services

The Bose-Einstein Guest House has altogether 18 A/c Suites with a telephone and a TV in each room. VIPs, Institute guests and invited guests are usually accommodated here. The Taramani Guest House has 83 rooms in total. Out of which 18 are Suites, 29 air-conditioned rooms and 36 non-airconditioned rooms. Housed in an imposing double storeyed building and located at a central place, TGH provides boarding and lodging facilities for the Institute guests and Visitors, newly appointed faculty, staff members, delegates and participants attending various conferences, seminars, symposia and workshops.

Library services

The mission of the Central Library is to provide information services and access to bibliographic and full text digital and printed resources to support the scholarly and informational needs of the Institute Community. The Central Library is well equipped with modern facilities and resources in the form of CD-ROMs, On-line databases, audio video cassettes, books, e-journals, patents etc.

Campus life

IIT Madras is located in the city of Chennai which is also the state capital of Tamilnadu, a southern state in India. Chennai is the fourth largest city in India and comparatively a new city, about 350 years old (1639). The city was formerly known as Madras and was renamed Chennai, which evolved from old name ‘Chennapatnam’. Chennai is a coastal city with the second largest beach in the world known as ‘Marina’ beach. The climate is generally hot and humid. In summer (May – July) the temperature reaches up to 42° C (107° F) while in winter (Dec. – Feb.) it is slightly less hot, 18° C (64° F). The Monsoon season starts in September and lasts till November

Student clubs

Prakriti, the Wildlife Club of IIT Madras, Was founded in April 2002 by a group of wildlife enthusiasts comprising of students, faculty, staff, residents and alumni of IIT Madras. The formation of the club was spurred by a growing recognition of the need to protect the unique biodiversity of the IIT Madras campus. The IIT Madras Campus was carved out of a natural forest that formed part of the Guindy National Park. The Guindy National Park and IIT Campus come under Tropical Dry Evergreen Forest type – the least common vegetation type seen in India.

Perungudi, Tamil Nadu, India


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