
Åbo Akademi University

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Åbo Akademi University is small enough for our professors to be easily accessible. At the same time, we offer a wide range of educational options. It means that you will be provided with individual guidance and the opportunity to tailor your studies. And, thanks to our networks of international contacts all over the world, you will be able to conduct part of your studies abroad.


Åbo Akademi University is the Swedish-language multidisciplinary academic university in Finland. We contribute to society through general learning, education and new scientific knowledge.


All undergraduate (bachelor level) programmes at Åbo Akademi University are taught in Swedish. Please note that all programmes on the bachelor level at Åbo Akademi University require good knowledge of Swedish langauge prior to admission.

We currently offer 9 different international master programmes in a number of different fields. Our university is known for good teacher-student relations, small groups and good possibilities to get individual support within the studies.


Åbo Akademi University’s activities are characterized by our responsibilities related to Swedish-speaking Finland and by our international atmosphere. We are a familiar minority university with great ambitions regarding education and research, and we have set high standards for boundary-crossing (co-)operation. Old academic traditions and modern innovations exist side by side, which lends our university its unique atmosphere. Join us and work for a better world!


The Career Services offer personal career counseling where we focus on identifying your skills and abilities and can give suggestions on how to efficiently look for suitable positions. You can also choose to make a person profile analysis (SLG Thomas) in combination with the counseling.

University Ranking

World University Rankings by Times Higher Education
501 100
World University Rankings is a vital resource that provides the definitive list of the world's best universities.
QS World University Rankings by TopUniversities
621 -20
QS World University Rankings is one of the top international rankings measuring the popularity and performance of universities all over the world.
Best Global Universities Rankings by U.S. News & World Report
1106 -69
Best Global Universities Rankings by U.S. News & World Report presents all the top universities from the U.S. and 60 other countries around the world.

Housing services

Students apply for housing themselves. Remember to start applying for housing in time! When applying for housing you should read your e-mail daily in order to be able to confirm the accommodation offer in time. If you fail to confirm the accommodation offer in time, your housing offer will be cancelled. None of these housing options are run by the university – we are only affiliated with them.

Library services

Åbo Akademi University Library is open to the public. You’ll need a library card to use our services.

ICT services

ICT Services (ICT) is responsible for the IT-infrastructure at the University, including user´s accounts, e-mail, work stations, server computers and user support. Some of our software agreements cover the home user´s computer as well.

Medical services

Degree students in Åbo and in Vasa have access to Finnish Student Health Services. As a Student Union member you have access to the health services. The health care fee is not part of the student union fee but instead the fee is paid to FPA (KELA). The Student Health Care Services offers:

  • health care, dental care, psychological services
  • Appointments and Advice – general information

Campus life

The university is spread across two main campuses: one in the city of Åbo (‘Turku’ in Finnish) and the other in the city of Vasa (‘Vaasa’ in Finnish). Which campus you study at will depend on your chosen programme, but both campuses are recognised equally on an international level for their contributions to research, as well as their overall excellence in the world of academia.

Student clubs

Student Union Membership is compulsory by law, but the benefits it brings are worth it.In order to be registered as present and have the right to study, receive credits and have your study results registered, you must pay the Student union fee.

Turku, Province of Western Finland, Finland

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