
Royal Military College of Canada

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As a military university, the Royal Military College of Canada educates, develops, and inspires bilingual, fit, and ethical leaders who serve the Canadian Armed Forces and Canada.


RMC is now over one hundred years old. It was founded in 1874 when the Dominion Government , led by Alexander Mackenzie, passed an act in Parliament to establish a military college "for the purpose of providing a education in all branches of military tactics, fortification, engineering, and scientific knowledge in subjects connected with and necessary to knowledge of the military profession." 


The Royal Military College of Canada (RMC) is part of the re-focused Canadian Defence Academy (CDA), which continues to exist now as an ‘education group’ composed of RMC, the Royal Military College Saint-Jean (RMC Saint-Jean), and the Canadian Forces College (CFC).


Royal Military College faculty member Captain Matt McTaggart shared his experience leading Canada’s first Science meets Parliament event in a panel discussion during 14-17 of February at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual meeting in Washington, DC.

Housing services

All officer cadets who enter the Royal Military College of Canada (RMC) are enrolled in either the Regular Forces under the Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP) or the University Training Plan for Non-Commissioned Members (UTPNCM), or in the Reserve Forces under the Reserve Entry Training Plan (RETP).

Library services

Massey Library is located in the Massey building. The collection includes approximately 250,000 books and 1,200 journals, plus 1,800 audio-visual items, in both English and French.

Medical services

The RMCC Health and Wellness Working Group (HWWG) was created more than a year ago to promote and enhance the health and wellness of all faculty, staff and students. This working group aims at developing, supporting, synchronizing and assessing programs to ensure that that the College remains a safe, positive, respectful, harassment-free and healthy place to learn, teach, research and work.

Campus life

RMC is situated on Point Frederick just east of downtown Kingston, Ontario. It is a beautiful location, overlooking the city, the entrance to the St. Lawrence River and Lake Ontario.

Sports facilities

The Athletic Component is one of the four Components of the Royal Military College of Canada. The Athletics Program is designed to provide opportunities for all officer-cadets to participate in physical activities and sports that are mentally demanding in order to develop their overall physical capabilities, self-confidence and leadership.

Student clubs

Recreation Clubs are created and organized by Officer Cadets with the primary intent of providing leadership opportunities for students. They also help to develop the social skills of those who choose to get involved and to introduce different leisure and athletic activities to the RMC community that may not already be offered through the varsity and intramural programs.


The Royal Military College (RMC) offers many accredited degree options for post graduate students (both military and civilian alike). All degree programs listed below have been accredited by the Ontario Council on Graduate Studies (OCGS)

Kingston, Ontario, Canada

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