In November 1953, the school became an independent body as the Institute of Chemical Technology headed by a Rector. The Institute developed rapidly in ”the city of chemistry”.
During 60 years of its existence, the Institute of Chemical Technology and later the University of Pardubice has become an important centre of education with more than fifteen thousand professionally trained graduates.
Educational activities are carried out in more than 60 study programmes with more than 130 study specializations designed to reflect the outcomes of the Bologna Declaration and modern trends in higher education.
Apart from teaching, the University of Pardubice is also renowned for its numerous scientific and research activities which contribute to an excellent national and international reputation. The numerous of specialized departments and other organizations, institutions and associations which have been operating at the university contribute to this fact.
University Ranking
Student services
- Accommodation and Catering
- Library
- Printing, Scanning and Copying
- Sports
- Publishing and Printing Centre
- University e-shop
- Nostrification
Housing services
Students coming within the Erasmus Programme are automatically provided with reserved accommodation in double room:
- STUDIO (with toilet, bathroom and kitchen with fridge)
- CLASSIC (toilet, bathroom and kitchen are shared on the corridor) .
- Rooms are fully furnished; sheets and bedding are also provided.
- Each accommodated student is provided with fixed internet connection.
Library services
The University library, founded together with the Institute of Chemical Technology in 1950, has a collection of over 195,000 volumes of monographs, hardback periodicals, audio and videocassettes and CD-rooms. The library subscribes to several hundred periodicals. Around 7 500 regular members use its services.
ICT services
Centre for Information Technology and Services provides support for all IT systems at the University. Every student of the University recieves upon his registration a „NetID“. NetID is a unique identifier of students within the whole university systems. Students need this identification at every turn.
Campus life
The modern facilities of the University campus, near the centre of a city with a population of one hundred thousand, create ideal conditions for the all-around development of young people. Pleasant surroundings and many sports and cultural life opportunities, in combination with quality and demanding study programmes, are comparable to those of leading European universities at the dawn of the third millennium.
Sports facilities
Department of Physical Education and Sports (DPES) offers a wide range of sport activities throughout the whole academic community and organizes sports competitions within the university and beyond. Provides compulsory and optional PE education. In collaboration with the University Sport Club (USK) organizes series of events and encourages students´ participation in the Czech Academic Games or Czech Academic Championships.
The University campus offers gymnasiums with a modern gym, a fitness centre, clubrooms, tennis courts, a boathouse, and football and basketball grounds allowing training in all sports at various levels.
Student clubs
There is much more to university life than studying. Student Council activities and the students themeselves cover different areas of student life: culture, sports and club activities.
Pardubice University – was founded in 1950. Only this university in Czech republic has accreditation by the British Academy.