9 days
500 EUR/full
500 EUR/full
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The Consciousness and Cognition Certificate from University of Pisa will be organized in order to explore the enigma of Consciousness from different points of view, with the participation of teachers who are experts in all these disciplines.

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The Consciousness and Cognition Certificate from  University of Pisa .

The enigma of Consciousness is perhaps the most fascinating mystery in the Universe. There are many hypotheses, on the basis of which we try to give an answer to the most difficult problems but, wanting to schematize, all can be traced back to two broad categories: those who consider Consciousness entirely reducible to the electro-chemical-physical processes that take place in the brain, and those who acknowledge that Consciousness has an intrinsic existence, independent, at least in part, from its physical substratum.

Whereas the former fit well into the monistic vision of the so-called Scientific Materialism, the latter can lead either to a dualistic vision of Reality, in which the external world obeys the laws of Physics and the internal one requires a different level of analysis, or to a reconfiguration of the subject-object relation in a unitary picture of Reality. This unitary vision is compatible, for example, in Western culture with phenomenological approaches in philosophy and with Quantum Mechanics in physics, and in Eastern culture with Buddhist and Hindu traditions based on contemplative practices such as meditation and yoga.

Key facts:

  • (Philosophy): acquire a sensitiveness to the existence of a dimension of consciousness that overcomes the distinction between subject and object and understand its role in the current quest to explain consciousness, through a progression into insights drawn from Western philosophical approaches (especially phenomenology) and Eastern traditions and practices;
  • (Quantum Mechanics) understand the basic principles of quantum mechanics to comprehend the subtler issues connected with the interpretation of the theory and their possible relevance for a discussion of consciousness, of the mind-body problem and of the nature of reality itself;
  • (Artificial Intelligence): learn the basic concepts and models of nature-inspired computational techniques, and to know how to apply them to a wide range of application areas. Students will be exposed to the advantages and challenges of using computationally intelligent systems with human-like capabilities in terms of reasoning, learning and adaptation;
  • (Biosemiotics): learn the basic of Biosemiotics and become acquainted with the semiotic nature of sign relationships both in biological and human-made systems, understand how cells act as semiotic units capable of interpreting their own environment through signs exchange, and eventually comprehend how sign perception and epigenetic regulation are causally linked through differential gene expression;
  • (Contemplative Practices): comprehend the vision of Eastern tradition (Induism and Buddhism) concerning Consciousness and its different levels and manifestations; learn the foundations, the characteristics and the aspects of the different types of meditation;
  • (Neurosciences and not Ordinary state of Consciousness): after a description of the neural networks, acting in the brain, and a survey on the main investigation techniques of the brain activity (Electroencephalography, FMRI), understand how self induced not ordinary states of consciousness by natural drugs, hypnosis, dream, deep meditation, affect this activity;
  • (Practice) become familiar with the experiential aspects of contemplative practices, through Meditation and Yoga sessions led by highly qualified teachers. The session will be usable also by student online.

Programme Structure

The School will take place in a residential form at Lama Tzong Khapa Institute, 35 Km from Pisa, thanks to a convention between the University of Pisa and the Lama Tzong Khapa Institute, renowned for the excellent quality of its study programs of Buddhist philosophy and psychology.The program will be activated also in distance learning mode (TEAMS platform). 

Key information


  • Full-time
    • 9 days

Start dates & application deadlines






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Academic requirements

We are not aware of any specific GRE, GMAT or GPA grading score requirements for this programme.

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We are not aware of any English requirements for this programme.

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  • Additional medical costs (i.e. dental)
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Other requirements

General requirements

Admission Requirements

Students enrolled in a Bachelor's or Master's Degree course, or people already in possession of the aforementioned qualifications or equivalent qualifications.


  • The Summer School will be activated with at least 25 students
  • The maximum number of participants is set to 80 students
Required Documents
  • Identity Document (*PASSPORT in case you are a foreign student*)
  • Enrolment Form
  • Curriculum Vitae

Tuition Fee

To always see correct tuition fees
  • International

    500 EUR/full
    Tuition Fee
    Based on the tuition of 500 EUR for the full programme during 9 days.
  • EU/EEA

    500 EUR/full
    Tuition Fee
    Based on the tuition of 500 EUR for the full programme during 9 days.

Online attendance: 250 EUR

Living costs for Pisa

750 - 1100 EUR /month
Living costs

The living costs include the total expenses per month, covering accommodation, public transportation, utilities (electricity, internet), books and groceries.


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Consciousness and Cognition
University of Pisa


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