- Many journalists commence their careers as freelance writers, submitting articles to newspapers and magazines. Eventually, they may be employed on staff. Others develop a strong freelance business.
- This Journalism course from Warnborough College concentrates on developing the skills needed to succeed as a writer, and an awareness of how to develop a career in this industry. Graduates of this course wishing to do the Higher Advanced Diploma in Applied Management -Publishing and journalism, will be granted. significant exemptions from that accredited course. Enrolment fee does not include exam fees.
Programme Structure
The first part of the Diploma in Journalism consists of the ten lessons in the Freelance Writing Course.
- Writing Skills
- The Publishing World
- Manuscripts
- Planning what you write
- Newspaper Writing
- Magazine Writing
- Writing Books
- Writing Advertising
- Special Project
The second part of the diploma consists of the remaining 20 lessons.
- The Publishing World
- Illustration - Graphics
- Illustration - Photography
- The Publishing Office
- Office Procedures & Equipment
- Marketing: Selling Yourself And Your Work
- Writing a Regular Column
- Educational Writing
- Scientific Writing
- Conducting An Interview
- Writing a Biographical Story
- Photographic Techniques
- Refining Your Photographic Skills
- Grammar(A)
- Grammar(B)
- Summary Skills
- Writing a News Article
- Fiction Writing
- Writing For Children
- Writing A Book
Key information
Start dates & application deadlines
You can apply for and start this programme anytime.
More details
You may enrol and start at any time of the year – it’s all self-paced.
- Self-paced
Journalism View 13 other Short Courses in Journalism in United KingdomWhat students do after studying
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Academic requirements
We are not aware of any specific GRE, GMAT or GPA grading score requirements for this programme.
English requirements
We are not aware of any English requirements for this programme.
Tuition Fee
To always see correct tuition fees
2370 GBP/fullTuition FeeBased on the tuition of 2370 GBP for the full programme -
2370 GBP/fullTuition FeeBased on the tuition of 2370 GBP for the full programme
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