In this hands-on Graphic Design Elements for Non-Designers Specialization offered by Coursera in partnership with University of Colorado Boulder, you will explore basic graphic design elements, color theory, images, publication design and techniques for creating effective layouts. You will also learn about typography, the creative process, the importance of brainstorming, and how to discuss and critique design in a professional setting. Page layout software and online sites will be used to incorporate and manipulate text, color, photographs and images.
If you are curious about the design process, work on a team with designers and need to speak some of their language, or want to empower the creatives on your team to be even better, this specialization is made for you.
Applied Learning Project
You will design a business card or one-sided flyer, an advertisement, a brochure and an outline for a website. In addition, this course will include optional discussions with fellow students and a peer review process for each assignment. We encourage you to take advantage of all of these opportunities, and immerse yourself in the design process!
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Courses included:
- Basic Elements of Design: Design and Software Overview
- Graphic Elements of Design: Color Theory and Image Formats
- Textual Elements of Design: Fonts, Typography, and Spacing
- Print and Digital Elements of Design: Branding and User Experience
Check out the full curriculum
Visit programme websiteKey information
- Part-time
- 1 months
- 10 hrs/week
Start dates & application deadlines
Graphic Design User Experience Design View 59 other Short Courses in Graphic Design in United StatesExplore more key information
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Academic requirements
We are not aware of any specific GRE, GMAT or GPA grading score requirements for this programme.
English requirements
We are not aware of any English requirements for this programme.
Other requirements
General requirements
Beginner Level
- Students should have computer proficiency, desire to learn creative skills, & access to computer programs or online sites to work on design projects.
Make sure you meet all requirements
Visit programme websiteTuition Fee
FreeTuition FeeBased on the tuition of 0 USD for the full programme during 1 months. -
FreeTuition FeeBased on the tuition of 0 USD for the full programme during 1 months.
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Coursera provides financial aid to learners who cannot afford the fee. Apply for it by clicking on the Financial Aid link beneath the "Enroll" button on the left. You'll be prompted to complete an application and will be notified if you are approved. You'll need to complete this step for each course in the Specialization, including the Capstone Project