12 months
4100 USD/year
4100 USD/year
Tuition fee
Apply date
Start date


Crime scene investigators (CSIs) work closely with law enforcement to ensure evidence is collected and processed correctly so the guilty are successfully prosecuted and justice is served. Crime Scene Investigation is offered at University of California, Riverside.


CSIs work at the crime scene, in labs, at the morgue, in police departments, and will likely be called to share their expertise in a courtroom. Start your career off right with top-notch expert instructors, hands-on experience, and real-life case studies so you can master all aspects of crime scene investigation. Crime Scene Investigation is offered at University of California, Riverside.

What You'll Learn

  • Be confident and knowledgeable in performing crime scene investigations
  • Understand the basics of crime scene management including the proper collection and preservation of evidence, and chain-of-custody issues
  • Have the technical skills to sample, photograph and recover evidence at a crime scene

Programme Structure

Courses include:

  • Crime Scene Management

  • Crime Scene Photography

  • Fingerprint Techniques and Impression Evidence

  • Autopsy: Medicolegal Death Investigation

  • Survey of Criminalistics

Key information


  • Part-time
    • 12 months

Start dates & application deadlines

More details
  • We offer multiple start dates to give you flexibility in your eduction, life and work schedules.




20 SCH



What students do after studying

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Academic requirements

We are not aware of any specific GRE, GMAT or GPA grading score requirements for this programme.

English requirements

We are not aware of any English requirements for this programme.

Other requirements

General requirements

Prior to enrolling, please ensure that you meet the following minimum requirements:

  • High school education or equivalent

Tuition Fee

To always see correct tuition fees
  • International

    4100 USD/year
    Tuition Fee
    Based on the tuition of 4100 USD for the full programme during 12 months.
  • National

    4100 USD/year
    Tuition Fee
    Based on the tuition of 4100 USD for the full programme during 12 months.


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Our partners

Crime Scene Investigation
University of California, Riverside
Crime Scene Investigation
University of California, Riverside


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