Certificate Online

Cancer Registry Management University of Cincinnati

12 months
7428 USD/year
7068 USD/year
Tuition fee
Apply date
Start date


The Cancer Registry Management certificate program at the University of Cincinnati is a one year online certificate that prepares you to work as a data management expert who reports cancer statistics for various healthcare agencies.


Cancer registrars are data information specialists who record and capture a complete history, diagnosis, treatment, and health status for every cancer patient in the US. This data provides essential information to researchers, healthcare providers, and public health officials to better monitor and advance cancer treatments, conduct research, and improve cancer prevention and screening programs.

Cancer Registry Management Program Highlights

  • National Cancer Registrars Association (NCRA) Accredited
  • The University of Cincinnati is one of very few institutions offering this program online.
  • Professional internships are available at numerous practice facilities throughout the U.S. (in addition to our state-of-the-art, web-based simulations).


Most cancer registrars work in hospitals. Other work settings include central or state cancer registries, accrediting organizations, government agencies, software vendors, pharmaceutical companies, insurance agencies and staffing firms. Some cancer registrars are self-employed and/or work from home.

Programme Structure

Courses include:

  • Medical Terminology for the Health Professions
  • Human Disease
  • Pharmacology
  • Healthcare Applications
  • Cancer Registry Structure and Management
  • Cancer Registry Operations
  • Cancer Registry Disease Coding and Staging

Key information


  • Full-time
    • 12 months

Start dates & application deadlines


27 SCH
  • 27-40 credits.



What students do after studying

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Academic requirements

We are not aware of any specific GRE, GMAT or GPA grading score requirements for this programme.

Other requirements

General requirements

  • This program is open to all students with an associate degree or higher. Enrollment in this certificate is also available with simultaneous enrollment in an associate’s degree such as the Health Information Systems.
  • Prerequisite courses include Medical Terminology, Anatomy & Physiology, Human Disease, Pharmacology and Computers in Healthcare. Students without prerequisite credit can still enroll in the Cancer Registry Certificate program and take these prerequisite courses first.

Tuition Fee

To always see correct tuition fees
  • International

    7428 USD/year
    Tuition Fee
    Based on the tuition of 3714 USD per semester during 12 months.
  • National

    7068 USD/year
    Tuition Fee
    Based on the tuition of 3534 USD per semester during 12 months.


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Cancer Registry Management
University of Cincinnati
Cancer Registry Management
University of Cincinnati


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