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Evolution of Electricity Markets in Europe European University Institute (EUI)

2 months
1100 EUR/full
1100 EUR/full
Tuition fee
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During this Evolution of Electricity Markets in Europe training offered by European University Institute (EUI) , we provide a platform for experts to share experiences, and for non-experts to get up to speed with the evolution of electricity markets in Europe. 


What you will study

The Evolution of Electricity Markets in Europe training offered by European University Institute (EUI) material starts by explaining the concept of marginal pricing, which has been in the spotlight since the onset of the European energy crisis. We also explain the rationale behind having a sequence of markets as is currently in place in Europe. This sequence starts with electricity being traded years ahead in long-term markets, the reference day-ahead market, intraday markets, and finally near real-time trade in balancing markets producing an imbalance price. We discuss the central role of the power exchange, which has been renamed as the Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMO) for quite some years now, in operating the day-ahead and intraday markets. In this week, we also briefly highlight the impact of the ongoing market reform on the existing market design.

Programme Structure

The program focuses on:

  • Nominated Electricity Market Operators
  • Marginal Pricing
  • Auctions
  • Continuous Trading
  • Gate Closure Time
  • Sequence of Power Markets
  • Day-ahead Market
  • Intraday Markets
  • Balancing Energy Market
  • Balancing Reserves
  • Imbalance Price
  • Long-term Markets
  • Redispatch

Key information


  • Part-time
    • 2 months

Start dates & application deadlines





What students do after studying

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Academic requirements

We are not aware of any specific GRE, GMAT or GPA grading score requirements for this programme.

English requirements

We are not aware of any English requirements for this programme.

Other requirements

General requirements

  • Broad target group of Adult learners 
  • Electricity markets experts and beginners 
  • Everyone affected by the electricity market integration in Europe, including: TSOs, NRAs, Governments, European Associations, Utilities, New Energy players, Stakeholders. 

Tuition Fee

To always see correct tuition fees
  • International

    1100 EUR/full
    Tuition Fee
    Based on the tuition of 1100 EUR for the full programme during 2 months.
  • EU/EEA

    1100 EUR/full
    Tuition Fee
    Based on the tuition of 1100 EUR for the full programme during 2 months.
  • General fee: 1100 €
  • Students (with a certificate of current studies**): 440 €
  • Four free seats for Star Donors
  • Two free seats for Major Donors
  • One free seat for Associate Donors


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Evolution of Electricity Markets in Europe
European University Institute (EUI)
Evolution of Electricity Markets in Europe
European University Institute (EUI)


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