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Dealing With Change Effectively Fanshawe College

60 CAD/full
60 CAD/full
Tuition fee
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Changes of this magnitude can be difficult to come to terms with, but you'll often find that your experience of them can be made better or worse depending on your reaction and your attitude. The Dealing With Change Effectively course offered by Fanshawe College will help with that.


What you will learn

Change is inevitable. Sometimes it can be positive – business growth or a pay raise. At other times it can be painful – losing your job or a personal loss. Often the hardest changes to understand and adjust to are the ones that are unexpected and out of our control – a recession, a global pandemic or a major disaster, for example. The Dealing With Change Effectively course offered by Fanshawe College will discuss this subject.

Programme Structure

The program focuses on:

  • Overcome the biggest challenges associated with any change more quickly
  • Understand the thoughts, feelings, and behaviours associated with change
  • Embracing change personally and professionally
  • Navigate future changes more effectively and efficiently, even when the change is unwanted

Key information

Start dates & application deadlines

You can apply for and start this programme anytime.
More details
  • On-demand




  • Self-paced

What students do after studying

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Academic requirements

We are not aware of any specific GRE, GMAT or GPA grading score requirements for this programme.

English requirements

We are not aware of any English requirements for this programme.

Other requirements

General requirements

  • Individuals and industry professionals

Tuition Fee

To always see correct tuition fees
  • International

    60 CAD/full
    Tuition Fee
    Based on the tuition of 60 CAD for the full programme
  • National

    60 CAD/full
    Tuition Fee
    Based on the tuition of 60 CAD for the full programme


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Dealing With Change Effectively
Fanshawe College
Dealing With Change Effectively
Fanshawe College


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