This Generative AI for Software Developers program course is offered by Coursera in partnership with IBM.
What you'll learn
Identify real-world generative AI uses and describe popular generative AI models and tools for text, code, image, audio, and video
Explain generative AI prompt engineering concepts, examples, and common tools and learn techniques needed to create effective, impactful prompts
Learn about tools and techniques to generate code snippets, scripts, test cases, and applications using generative AI models
Develop innovative software engineering solutions using AI-powered tools and LLMs
Skills you'll gain
- Software Engineering
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Prompt Engineering
- prompt patterns
- Generative AI
You can choose from hundreds of free courses, or get a degree or certificate at a breakthrough price. You can now select Coursera Plus, an annual subscription that provides unlimited access
Get more details
Visit programme websiteProgramme Structure
Courses included:
- Generative AI: Introduction and Applications
- Generative AI: Prompt Engineering Basics
- Generative AI: Elevate your Software Development Career
Check out the full curriculum
Visit programme websiteKey information
- Part-time
- 1 months
- 10 hrs/week
Start dates & application deadlines
Computer Sciences Software Engineering View 547 other Short Courses in Software Engineering in United StatesExplore more key information
Visit programme websiteAcademic requirements
We are not aware of any specific GRE, GMAT or GPA grading score requirements for this programme.
English requirements
We are not aware of any English requirements for this programme.
Other requirements
General requirements
- Intermediate level
Make sure you meet all requirements
Visit programme websiteTuition Fee
FreeTuition FeeBased on the tuition of 0 USD for the full programme during 1 months. -
FreeTuition FeeBased on the tuition of 0 USD for the full programme during 1 months.
You can choose from hundreds of free courses, or get a degree or certificate at a breakthrough price. You can now select Coursera Plus and have unlimited access
Coursera provides financial aid to learners who cannot afford the fee. Apply for it by clicking on the Financial Aid link beneath the "Enroll" button on the left. You'll be prompted to complete an application and will be notified if you are approved. You'll need to complete this step for each course in the Specialization, including the Capstone Project.