
Uppsala University

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  • 2 July 1477 The University’s charter is signed.
  • 1600 The University’s first documented degree conferment ceremony in philosophy.
  • 1663 Student nations are recognised by the University Board.
  • 1741 Linnaeus becomes professor of medicine.
  • 1893 Alfred Nobel is awarded an honorary doctorate at Uppsala University.


Education at Uppsala University is characterised by its association with research. Students acquire up-to-date knowledge as well as the skills and capacity for independent and critical thinking. Highly qualified teaching staff is responsible for the pedagogical quality of education and for ensuring that the education we offer is grounded in scientific and scholarly progress. Together, teachers and students take shared responsibility for creating learning environments characterised by active student participation and engagement.


Bold goals demand perseverance and the courage to venture along new paths. Uppsala University stands behind the search for knowledge in order to contribute to human knowledge and global development. Research should take on the major challenges facing society as well as purely scientific questions. The University in all its breadth provides unique opportunities for cross-disciplinary collaboration and new combinations. The ability to attract and to create good working conditions for skilled academic staff is the most important factor for the University’s success in the international academic community.


If you are about to finish your studies and want to start planning for your next step in life, you are welcome to UU Careers for support and guidance. Of course the services are free of charge.

University Ranking

Academic Ranking of World Universities by Shanghai Jiao Tong University
88 -6
82 7
ARWU World University rankings is the first world university ranking. It ranks the world's top 1000 colleges and universities based on objective indicator.
QS World University Rankings by TopUniversities
103 2
105 23
QS World University Rankings is one of the top international rankings measuring the popularity and performance of universities all over the world.
World University Rankings by Times Higher Education
130 10
140 8
World University Rankings is a vital resource that provides the definitive list of the world's best universities.
Best Global Universities Rankings by U.S. News & World Report
150 -23
Best Global Universities Rankings by U.S. News & World Report presents all the top universities from the U.S. and 60 other countries around the world.

Student services

The Student Services Office will help you with questions about admissions, registration and degrees. Adjacent to the Student Services Office there are study and career counsellors who will support you in questions about your study and career choices. There is also coordinators for students with disabilities. At the Student Services Office you can apply for degree certificates, as well as get a signed official transcript of records.

Housing services

Uppsala University will guarantee an offer of housing to all fee-paying Master's students and several other groups of students attending the university through collaboration agreements prioritised by Uppsala University management. This may include formal exchange students. From autumn 2016 and onwards, students will be offered housing for the duration of their studies provided they have submitted their housing application before 31 May. Rent will cost between SEK 3500 and 6000 per month.

Library services

Uppsala University Library has a long history; it was founded in 1620 by Gustavus Adolphus, who also donated the first collections. The first Library was housed in a building that was later demolished, close to the cathedral. In 1841, Carolina Rediviva was completed as the University Library, and at that time, the collections numbered about 100,000 items.

ICT services

With your student account, you can get access to two wireless networks: eduroam and UpUnet-S. However, if you are studying at Campus Gotland you only have access to eduroam. eduroam is available at many other universities in Sweden and across the world – and you only need to set it up once. UpUnet-S is the University’s own computer network.

Medical services

At the Student Health Centre you can meet psychologists, counsellors, therapists, a nurse and doctors, all with a focus on student related health issues. The Student Health Centre focuses on study related issues such as stress, lack of confidence, speech anxiety, difficulties in concentrating.If you have a physical medical condition you are advised to contact the Swedish public healthcare directly

Campus life

Sweden is probably one of the safest countries in the world and whether students live in Uppsala city or in Visby at the island of Gotland, they live in a cultural setting with roots harking back several centuries. They can all experience student activities far beyond the ordinary. As a student you also have access to modern facilities in well equipped labs, libraries and lecture rooms. Free Wi-Fi is available on all campuses.

Sports facilities

Campus1477 in Uppsala operates two training facilities at the university campus areas, one at Science Park and one at Blåsenhus. They offer large gyms, more than 100 group training sessions a week, rope and boulder climbing, spinning and various ball sports. As a student or PhD-student you get the lower student price on their membership cards.

Student clubs

Uppsala University has four student unions: Uppsala Student Union, Uppsala Union of Engineering and Science Students, Pharmaceutical Student Association, and Gotland’s Student Union Rindi.These organisations are created and driven by students, for students. The main goal of the unions is to ensure the interests of Uppsala University students are always prioritised and protected. They deal with issues concerning education, health and welfare, equality, internationalisation, housing and economy.


Uppsala University is accredited by the Swedish National Agency of Higher Education

Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden

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