Northern Arizona University—or Arizona Normal College as it was named back then—opened its doors in 1899 with 23 students, two faculty members (one, Almon Nicholas Taylor, was also the school president), and two copies of Webster’s International Dictionary bound in sheepskin.
In 1901, the first graduating class consisted of four women who received credentials to teach in the Arizona Territory.
We deliver world-class academic programs for a world-ready generation. In every classroom, top-flight research powers personalized teaching.
Every one of our programs—undergraduate and graduate alike—is led by expert faculty who recognize and develop students’ talents.
Meet your community in any of our eight colleges and follow your true north to a lifetime of discovery and a career you’ll love.
At Northern Arizona University, we’ve always been a part of the world and a partner to it—starting in our hometown, a city that prizes innovation. NAU, widely recognized as a higher-research institution, has built a reputation for scientific discovery and the invention of new technologies.
The mission of NAU Career Development is to empower students and alumni to confidently navigate their careers as citizens of an evolving and global world. They offer individual appointments to review career options, resumes and cover letters, job search strategies, internship exploration, and mock interviews. They also offer online modules to learn more about career related topics, spring career and graduate school expos, and multiple recruiting events.
University Ranking
Student services
The University Advising team’s purpose is to guide and support students as they progress through their academic careers. Advisors assist with academic plan and sub-plan selection, course selection and sequencing, resource and tool referral, enrollment, policy interpretation, and coach students through their academic requirements and challenges. The Gateway Student Success Center provides academic advising services and programs for First-Year, Exploratory, and Premed students. After the first year, you will move to an academic-based advisor within your college.
Housing services
As a freshman, you’ll live in a Residential College which is aligned with your academic college at NAU. Living with others who share similar majors or career interests provides an engaging opportunity to establish valuable connections and friendships. Residential Colleges feature programs, events, amenities and academic resources tailored to your college and major. Benefits of living in a Residential College include:
- Supportive and engaging community making it easy to meet other students and new friends
- Residential staff focused on your transition and helping you to build a strong foundation for the next four years
- Faculty connections, in-hall academic support, and access to 24/7 computer labs and study areas
Library services
Cline Library offers robust virtual services and thousands of electronic resources to support your research, learning, and online instruction needs.
ICT services
The Information Technology Services (ITS) – Student Technology Center (STC) provides support to students for anything technologically related from email and LOUIE to Ethernet and Internet connections. The STC also offers walk in hours at Cline Library, help via telephone, and residence hall calls, where they come to you!
Medical services
The Health and Learning Center (HLC) offers many resources including flu shots, acupuncture, mental health, physical therapy, massage therapy, immediate care, immunizations, allergy clinic, and nutrition. HLC Counseling Services provides short-term individual and couples counseling, group counseling, crisis services, outreach, and consultation about students of concern.
Campus life
Our campus is lively year round, which means you’ll have your pick of countless adventures. Four distinct, stunning seasons and a ton of options to live, play, and work on campus enrich your NAU experience and ensure these years will be some of the best of your life.
Sports facilities
From the Aquatic & Tennis Complex to the one-of-a-kind Walkup Skydome, our modern athletic facilities offer the ideal environment for training, fun, and fitness.
- Lawrence Walkup Skydome
- Aquatic & Tennis Complex
- Tennis Center
- Joseph C. Rolle Activity Center
- Max Spilsbury Field at Lumberjack Stadium
- Golf Courses
- Track and Field Throw Facility
- Health and Learning Center
- Challenge Course
Student clubs
Gain experience, meet new people, and get involved on campus with more than 375 student clubs & organizations.
The Higher Learning Commission (HLC) is one of six regional associations recognized by the U.S. Department of Education that accredit institutions of higher education. The Higher Learning Commission accredits Northern Arizona University. Northern Arizona University’s accreditation extends through 2027-2028.