In 1923, just two years before his untimely demise, the Founding Father of the Republic of China (ROC), Dr. Sun Yat-sen, established two universities, one civil and one military. The civil university was Kwangtung University (renamed Chungshan University in 1926), and the military university was Whampoa Military Academy.
There are six colleges: Liberal Arts, Science, Engineering, Management, Marine Sciences, and Social Sciences, and one general education center. Equal emphasis is placed on the teaching and research of humanities as well as science and engineering. Since 2006 NSYSU has been granted by the Ministry of Education through the “Aim for the Top University Plan” to improve teaching and research.
- Leading Research on Marine Natural Products and Biotechnology
- Research on Underwater Mechatronics
- Development of Green Technologies for Polluted-land Restoration
- The Forefront Research of Multi-Gbps Smartphones for 5G/B5G Communications
- Biomedical Research for Next-generation Therapeutics against Human Diseases
University Ranking
Library services
The library is located in the center of the campus. The main entrance is on the 3rd floor of the building. We have the printed materials and online resources that can provide you with access to full-text magazine, journal, newspaper and reference articles. Electronic resources are also available to the community from on-campus computers.
ICT services
Computer workstations are provided for student use within the library and provide access to library online resources, the internet, and a wide range of word processing and other software. Computer workstations locate at library 1F, 3F, 4F and 10F.
Medical services
All foreigners who have continuously stayed in Taiwan for more than six months and hold a valid Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) are required to join the National Health Insurance Program.
Campus life
The NSYSU campus uniquely situates at the crossing of hills and sea, adjacent to the Kaohsiung Harbor. The geography prompts our feature advancements in marine science research, which heeds to Kaohsiung's aspiration to develop into an Ocean Capital, as we become the leading academic institution of marine sciences in Taiwan. The university encourages interdisciplinary collaboration between oceanographic studies and other academic fields to stimulate new ideas and research directions.
Sports facilities
- Fitness Center
- Swimming pool
- Tennis Courts
Student clubs
National Sun Yat-sen University Indonesian Student Association (NSYSUISA) is a non-profit student organization with the purpose to associate and facilitate Indonesians studying in NSYSU.