
University of Chile

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The University of Chile has buildings with a high heritage value and their contribution to the urban surroundings has converted them into landmarks of Santiago. Among these are: the Main House (1863), the School Swimming pool (1929), the Theatre of the University of Chile in the Turri Buildings (1929), the Museum of Contemporary Art.


It is placed among the 401- 500 best higher educational establishments in the World Ranking of Universities (ShanghaiRanking Consultancy, 2021).473 in the world, 8 place among its Latin-American peers and first place in Chile in the Ranking of Research Institutes (SCImago Research Group, Spain 2020).


This institution is responsible for a third of the scientific publications and also for the implementation of a high percentage of competitive research projects in most academic fields, including basic sciences, technologies, humanities, social sciences and arts.

  • Publications: 11.588 scientific publications in international journals (ISI - WOS) from 2015 to 2019
  • 2.680  articles (ISI - WOS) generated in 2019
  • Basic Research Projects: 100 projects financed by the National Fund for Science & Technology Development (FONDECYT) Regular of the National Commission for Science and Technology (CONICYT) in 2021.
  • Rankings: First University of the country in production and impact of 

University Ranking

QS World University Rankings by TopUniversities
139 20
159 8
QS World University Rankings is one of the top international rankings measuring the popularity and performance of universities all over the world.
Academic Ranking of World Universities by Shanghai Jiao Tong University
ARWU World University rankings is the first world university ranking. It ranks the world's top 1000 colleges and universities based on objective indicator.
World University Rankings by Times Higher Education
801 200
World University Rankings is a vital resource that provides the definitive list of the world's best universities.
Best Global Universities Rankings by U.S. News & World Report
445 -45
Best Global Universities Rankings by U.S. News & World Report presents all the top universities from the U.S. and 60 other countries around the world.

Student services

The International Relations Office (RRII) is in charge of promoting, strengthening and expanding the international links of the University of Chile that benefit directly from the management and development of the strategic programs of the institution. For this reason they work in coordination with the academic units (faculties, institutes, professors and students in general) and with the central pre-graduate, post-graduate and research divisions.

Library services

The University of Chile has 48 libraries, a digital library, 3.048.690 volumes, access to electronic journals and multidisciplinary data bases to support research and teaching (2019).

Medical services

University health network:

  • University Hospital
  • Dental Clinic
  • Psychiatric Clinic
  • Psychological attention (CAPS)

Campus life

  • Premises and land: 4.113.706 m² of urban land. 681.132 m² of built land in use and 103.965.000 m² of agricultural land (2020)
  • Astronomy observatories: The National Astronomy Observatory (since 1852), one of the first in Latin America. There are also the: Maipú Radio Observatory (since 1959); the Astronomy Station at Cerro el Roble; Research and international cooperative agreements with other Astronomy Centers such as: ESO; ALMA; La Campana; NOAO; Cerro Tololo (AURA).
  • Teaching and research laboratories

Sports facilities

Sports and physical activity: Sport areas to be used by students and professors. Inter-faculty sports competitions take place there throughout the year. 


Institutional Accreditation: Accredited by the National Commission for Accreditation in all areas (Management, Undergraduate Teaching, Graduate Teaching, Research, Infrastructure, Equipment, and Outreach) for the maximum period of 7 years (2018-2025).

  • Accreditation of Doctoral Programs: 39 out of 41 (95,12%) have been accredited by the Post-graduate Accreditation Commission (2020)
  • Accreditation of Master Programs: 91 out of 115 (79,13%) have been accredited (2020)
  • Accreditation of Undergraduate Programs: 50 out of 69 (72%) have been accredited (July, 2018)

Lo Prado, Región Metropolitana, Chile


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