The university offers courses in Science and Technology, Health, Sports Science, Eco-Management, and Information and Communication.
The challenges of understanding matter and life: mathematics, the science of infinite scale and infinite speed, neuroscience, complex systems.Society's major problems: state and future of the environment, natural and industrial risk, biodiversity, genetics, medical research and health.Technological and industrial needs: embedded systems, space technology, IT and automation, chemical engineering, new materials, aeronautics, biotechnologies, pharmacology, nanotechnologies.
Université Paul Sabatier research policy is supported by the following structures:
- Research Strategy Department (DSR)
- Scientific Council (CS)
- Laboratory Support Department (DSL) : DSL's Interactive Schematic
A students' preparation to becoming a professional is part of a journey that begins for a sixth-form pupil and continues on into his or her first steps at the University. The goal of this journey is a graduate's first job within a company. Naturally, the different procedures applied in this approach are transferable throughout a graduate's life.
University Ranking
Housing services
Accommodation offers from private landlords (rooms, studios, and apartments that are well located for UPS students).
Library services
The UPS Joint Document Service (Service commun de la documentation - SCD) consists of:
- two university libraries: Medicine and Sciences, located on three sites,
- and all the university's associated libraries (UFR and laboratory libraries).
Medical services
Inter-university Service for Preventive Medicine and Promoting Health:
The Inter-university Service for Preventive Medicine and Promoting Health sees students at its three Toulouse Centres and at centres at satellite sites.
Student clubs
More than 50 associations are active at UPS in all fields, providing opportunities for you to get involved and express yourself. Don't hesitate to make contact and contribute your ideas or start your own association.