
Saitama University

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As the only one national university established in Saitama Prefecture, Saitama University’s history begins a century ago. Three renowned Japanese national education universities, Urawa Higher School(est.1921,Saitama Normal School (est.1873)and Saitama Youth Normal School(est. 1922)were integrated into Saitama University in 1949 to cultivate talented minds.


SU is distinctive in that all 5 undergraduate and 4 graduate schools are located together on the Okubo campus. This is advantageous in many respects, offering an environment that is conductive to education and research, extracurricular activities, and student life.


  • Research on case history of fiscal and monetary policies in the postwar Ministry of Finance. To explore ideal form for financial administration and financial institutions.
  • Japanese-Style employment practices in an international comparison
  • Exploring Communication strategies for Intergroup Conflicts, from Immigrants’ Acculturation Process to International Political Dispute – How can we make things better and escape from conflict situations?


The University provides career planning and advice to international students on job seeking or furthering their studies beyond graduation. We support our students with professional advice and counseling to guide each student towards their career development and future life planning.

University Ranking

QS World University Rankings by TopUniversities
1201 -200
QS World University Rankings is one of the top international rankings measuring the popularity and performance of universities all over the world.
World University Rankings by Times Higher Education
World University Rankings is a vital resource that provides the definitive list of the world's best universities.
Academic Ranking of World Universities by Shanghai Jiao Tong University
ARWU World University rankings is the first world university ranking. It ranks the world's top 1000 colleges and universities based on objective indicator.
Best Global Universities Rankings by U.S. News & World Report
1960 -333
Best Global Universities Rankings by U.S. News & World Report presents all the top universities from the U.S. and 60 other countries around the world.

Student services

  • There are two students cafeterias; Keyaki Hall (First Student Cafeteria) and the Second Student Cafeteria that provide a reasonably-priced abundance of delicious dishes.
  • Saidai Spot is a comprehensive counseling center, where students can casually consult with counseling staff when they have concerns and questions regarding student life.

Housing services

Housing All exchange students from overseas partner universities are given priority to move into our student on-campus housing, International House (I-House). I-house is located on campus with a two-minute walking distance from the main buildings And most importantly, we think of the safety of our students with 24 hours security guards.

Library services

Saitama University gathers various documents necessary for education and research, while at the same time establishing an informational environment at the Saitama University Library. When school is in-session, the Saitama University Library is open every day including Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays.

ICT services

In a reference room, there are information terminals where students can access the internet for various databases, and electronic journals for writing papers. In reading rooms, students can bring their own personal computers and use the internet, and write papers by connecting via ethernet ports or via wireless LAN.

Medical services

In order to help students manage their health, the Health Service Center provides students with not only routine physical examinations and urgent care, but also health consultation and mental health counseling.

Campus life

At SU, all academic departments and graduate schools are located on a single campus. The geographical proximity naturally exposes students to multiple fields of academics and enables them to form diverse human networks.

Sports facilities

There are Gymnastic Halls, Martial Arts Hall and the Japanese-Archery Field. In addition, there are outdoor facilities such as athletic fields, soccer fields, baseball fields, rugby fields, 6 tennis courts fully equipped with night game utilities, and a pool.

Student clubs

We encourage our students to engage in various experiences and opportunities besides their studies. The University is home to more than 178 student organizations representing a wide range of interests. Find and actively participate in the club activities for a more fun-filled memorable student life at Saitama.


Saitama University is official accredited by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Japan.

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