The University of Twente, which at its founding in 1961 was still called the Twente Technological University of Applied Sciences, managed to distinguish itself early on by integrating technology with social sciences. In the summer of 1986 the Twente Technological University of Applied Sciences received her current name: University of Twente.
The University of twente offers bachelor's and master's programmes. The University of Twente's Twente Education Model (TOM) means challenging themed project education. The education consists of 10-week periods, each with one central theme. As a student you therefore learn to look beyond the boundaries of your own field of study and to establish links with other disciplines.
Students form multidisciplinary teams in order to look at the assignment at hand from several different perspectives. For example, technical solutions also present social, economic and design dilemmas that are part of the social context of the issue.
Our strength lies in our capacity to combine. We engage in leading research in technologies we believe are vitally linked to behavioural and social sciences. A key element in our social impact is our strong emphasis on commercial knowledge valorisation, or the ability convert complex knowledge into viable economic activity and social applications.
Our world today is facing major environmental, economic, social and political challenges. Scientific research has a pivotal role to play in creating conditions that will sustain life on this planet. Our research institutes are committed in areas ranging from nanotechnology to technical medicine, behavioural sciences and geo-information science and earth observation.
Inspiring education, groundbreaking research and relevant innovation are all at the heart of what we find important at the University of Twente. Over 3,000 scientists and supporting professionals are responsible for this. As the UT is part of the constantly and rapidly changing international academic environment, it is important that our members of staff continue to develop themselves, for example to be able to provide education in keeping with modern standards or to draw up a grant application likely to lead to a successful outcome.
University Ranking
Student services
At Student Services we will help you with all kinds of arrangements for your study, like application and admission process, re-enrolment, de-enrolment, tuition fees, your student card, Studielink,
Housing services
ITC provides accommodation in well-furnished rooms at the ITC International Hotel (IIH) as an integral component of a study at ITC. The hotel is located in the centre of Enschede, close to the ITC main building and close to the railway station, shopping centre, market and post-office. Additional facilities include a 24-hour reception, a self-service laundry, a bar operated by the student union, and other recreation areas. All rooms have an internet connection and Wi-Fi is available in the entire building. Use is free of charge.
Library services
ITC Faculty Library is a scientific Library that contributes to the effectiveness of the education provided by ITC, and the research done at ITC.
ICT services
The University of Twente offers fast WiFi on campus. Students receive an email account during their study period.
Medical services
Those course participants receiving fellowships from the Dutch government or international organisations will be automatically covered by (partial) insurances for health, liability, luggage, household contents, emergency assistance, accidental death and dismemberment for the duration of their study at ITC.
Campus life
The campus of the University of Twente was constructed during the 1960s in a park-like area between Enschede and Hengelo. It was an experiment: the Netherlands did not have another example of a campus university yet.
Since it was built more than 50 years ago, a lot has been changed and rebuilt at the University of Twente, although some of the original architectural or urban ideas have remained unaffected by the ravages of time.
Sports facilities
The University of Twente has welcomed and embraced a diversification of sports over the years. As a result, we currently have almost forty different sports clubs for you to get involved with. From wall climbing to survival, from soccer to water polo, there is a variety of different sports to choose from.
As a member of a sports club or as an individual athlete you can make use of the many sports fields located on Campus.Student clubs
The SAB is the representative body for all students at ITC. Our mission is to provide an on-going connection between the student body and ITC management while developing positive goodwill and support to the Institute for Geo-information Science and Earth Observation. We also aim to make the postgraduate experience at ITC as enjoyable and rewarding as possible.
All Master of Science and Bachelor of Science programmes at the University of Twente are NVAO accredited.
NVAO (in Dutch: Nederlands-Vlaamse Accreditatieorganisatie) is the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders. The organisation was established by international treaty and it ensures the quality of higher education in the Netherlands and Flanders.