
Charles University

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Charles University was founded in 1348 during the rule of King of Bohemia and Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV. It became the first Studium generale north of the Alps and east of Paris.


The key priority of Charles University is to continue to enhance its prestigious status as a research university. To achieve this aim, the University focuses strongly on research activities. Charles University can boast a number of outstanding research teams which are involved in close collaboration with international research institutions. 


For many years Charles University has been keen to incorporate the results of its research and development work into its teaching, and to ensure the greatest possible involvement of research staff and students in Czech and international projects. The success of the University’s research policy is reflected in rankings based on research achievement, which demonstrate that the University can compete strongly with many prestigious institutions outside the Czech Republic.

University Ranking

QS World University Rankings by TopUniversities
246 2
248 40
QS World University Rankings is one of the top international rankings measuring the popularity and performance of universities all over the world.
Academic Ranking of World Universities by Shanghai Jiao Tong University
ARWU World University rankings is the first world university ranking. It ranks the world's top 1000 colleges and universities based on objective indicator.
World University Rankings by Times Higher Education
401 100
World University Rankings is a vital resource that provides the definitive list of the world's best universities.
Best Global Universities Rankings by U.S. News & World Report
253 -27
Best Global Universities Rankings by U.S. News & World Report presents all the top universities from the U.S. and 60 other countries around the world.

Student services

  • At the Charles University Centre for Information, Counselling and Social Services we offer help and advice to Charles University students, people interested in studying at the University, graduates, staff, and visitors to Charles University.
  • Besides providing information about the University, we also work closely with a range of professionals who provide expert advice and counselling services to the University’s students and staff. The Centre has several branches where we will always be glad to help you.

Housing services

Accommodation is provided in Charles University Halls of Residence (= dormitories). Students are housed in double-occupancy rooms. Unit system consists of twin rooms (= double room with two separate beds) sharing bathroom facilities (shower and wc). 

A small kitchenette is usually at the end of each corridor. Students can also use a lavatory and hanging rooms in the building (keys are available at the reception against a fee). Bedding and bed linen are provided (bed linen is exchanged regularly); towels and kitchen utensils (such as pans, plates, cups etc.) are not.

Library services

Charles University’s library services are provided by a variety of separate library facilities located at faculties and other parts of the University. 

All of these library services operate under the supervision of the University’s Central Library. 

Besides traditional lending services (books and other printed documents), the libraries also offer a wide range of electronic resources (e-resources).

ICT services

The Charles University E-resources Portal (PEZ in Czech) enables users to search in databases of academic texts. The Portal contains databases of electronic resources, an electronic journals portal, and e-books. The Portal offers a range of resources accessible via subscriptions paid at University level or faculty level, plus freely accessible resources, trial access to some resources.

Campus life

Charles University are scattered over many different locations – not only in Prague, but also in other cities. In view of this situation, the university plans to focus in future on the development of mini-campuses. The key aim for the next years are Biocentre and Globcentre of the Albertov Campus, the teaching and Research Centre in Hradec Králové (MEPHARED), the campus of the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen (UNIMEC and BIOMEDIC) and the reconstruction of the former students' hall for the needs of the Faculty of Humanities.

Sports facilities

Sport is an inseparable part of university life. It has enjoyed a long tradition at Charles University, and CU graduates and students have scored many sporting victories. Success, however, is not the only objective of sport. The oft-quoted saying mens sana in corpore sano says it all. It is only fitting that Charles University students and staff should benefit from a wide range of sporting opportunities.

Student clubs

The Charles University Student Union (SU UK) was established as the result of an initiative by six Charles University societies. Its main objective is to act as a guide for university student organizations, facilitating communication and cooperation among them, developing a creative platform for active students, supporting the implementation of their ideas, and acting as a mediator providing information to all students about what is currently happening in the academic community. 

The CU Student Union has a current membership of around thirty societies from almost all faculties, and the number is growing. Being a student is about much more than just studying, so do not hesitate to join!


  • In the graduate study, there are currently accredited 164 study programmes with 583 branches. Sorted according to cycles, there are 64 bachelor’s, 66 master’s and 34 long-cycle master’s study programmes with 215 bachelor’s, 274 master’s  and 94  long-cycle master’s study branches at the Charles University.
  • In postgraduate doctoral study, Charles University has been implementing in total 222 study programmes with 195 study branches (a number of doctoral study programmes, particularly in the area of medicine and science, do not split into branches).

Prague, Hlavní Mesto Praha, Czech Republic

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