The establishment initiated the first French university foundation in agricultural sciences, "SupAgro Fondation", the UNESCO Chair on World Food Systems and three Chairs: AgroTIC, AgroSYS, and Elsa-PACT.
Framework agreements for cooperation and educational exchange have been signed with institutions in some 30 countries in order to set up support systems for the training programs. The institution coordinates two international consortiums supporting Erasmus Mundus accredited master’s programs.
Montpellier SupAgro contributes to agricultural research thanks to the involvement of its researcher-professors in 22 research units and 4 joint technology units. Montpellier SupAgro's scientific teams collaborate closely with major research organizations based in Montpellier (INRAE, CIRAD, IRD...) and regional higher education institutions (University of Montpellier, Paul Valéry University, University via Domitia of Perpignan, CIHEAM-IAMM...). It also manages two experimental agricultural platforms (viticulture, sheep farming, olive cultivation) dedicated to R & D and exchanges with professionals.
SupAgro Fondation aims to gather interested businesses, partner institutions, students and graduates to work alongside l'Institut Agro Montpellier to tackle agronomic challenges.
University Ranking
Housing services
- Located just steps away from Montpellier SupAgro's Gaillarde campus, our three residence halls —"Les Cigales", "Les Hameaux" & "Soleil"— have a combined capacity of over 640 occupancies.
- In the heart of the Montpellier SupAgro campuses, or just a few minutes from the Institute for Higher Education in Tropical and Sub-Tropical Agri-Food Sciences, choose the accommodation most suited to your budget!
- Montpellier SupAgro Florac offers fifteen rooms and two dormitories for trainees and visiting speakers. These on-site facilities limit travel time and enable interns to become more involved in campus life.
Campus life
The historic l'Institut Agro Montpellier campus is being transformed to meet the needs of new training programmes which require open, shared and connected space. These changes are being made while respecting the superb environmental quality of the campus, and by maintaining coherence between the establishment’s different sites.
Sports facilities
In addition, practicing a sport fosters the development of multiple skills related to setting up and implementing projects. Sports activities are therefore taken into account in the first year engineering training curriculum and validated through BDS Sports, an attractive, dynamic and responsible association.
Student clubs
Extra-curricular activities contribute to students' overall well-being and help them develop skills and know-how useful for their future careers.
- The Arts Office (BDA in French) supports arts-related clubs (creative arts, auditorium, library, choir, cooking, guitar, rock band, improvisation, photo, theatre...).
- The Sports Office (BDS in French) assists in the management of physical activities and sports.
- The Student Circle (Le Cercle des Elèves) organizes student events, including orientation week-end, student parties, and charity events, and manages many student clubs.