
University of Vienna

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The University of Vienna is located in Vienna, Austria. It was founded in 1365 and is one of the oldest universities in the German-speaking world. With its long and rich history, the University of Vienna has developed into one of the largest universities in Europe.  


The Vienna Master in Human Rights employs a rich variety of teaching staff with a widespread range of experience and expertise. The faculty is composed of university professors and academic lecturers from various disciplines as well as human rights practitioners working in international organisations, human rights institutes, the corporate sector, development agencies and civil society organisations. Each lecturer has a different teaching style however, as a rule, lectures student-centred where students play an equally active role in the learning process.


Students are trained for a career as a human rights expert to be employed by governments, international organisations, development agencies, business cooperations, research institutes and civil society organisations. Graduates might work as an election observer, human rights field officer, diplomat, trainer, mediator, consultant, etc. 

University Ranking

Academic Ranking of World Universities by Shanghai Jiao Tong University
101 50
ARWU World University rankings is the first world university ranking. It ranks the world's top 1000 colleges and universities based on objective indicator.
World University Rankings by Times Higher Education
110 9
119 5
World University Rankings is a vital resource that provides the definitive list of the world's best universities.
QS World University Rankings by TopUniversities
137 -7
130 21
QS World University Rankings is one of the top international rankings measuring the popularity and performance of universities all over the world.
Best Global Universities Rankings by U.S. News & World Report
215 -7
Best Global Universities Rankings by U.S. News & World Report presents all the top universities from the U.S. and 60 other countries around the world.

Student services

The university offers an exclusive study room for the students, including free access to a printer/photocopy machine/scanner as well as coffee/tea and a small library with selected human rights literature.

Housing services

The University of Vienna does not run student halls of residence but there is a great number of student homes and private accommodation all around the city. For detailed information about housing options and platforms visit: 

Library services

The Vienna Master of Arts in Human Rights offers a small library with selected human rights literature. During the opening hours, 40 libraries of the University of Vienna offer work spaces, free Wi-Fi, electronic and print literature.

ICT services

With “u:net” the University offers an extensive package of IT services, like access to Wi-Fi and public computer facilities at the university, e-mail service, u:space (access and download services for study related information) and printing services. 

Campus life

All lecture rooms and the programme management office are located in the city center of Vienna. Supermarkets, canteens, restaurants, hairdressers, print shops and doctors/health care facilities are in proximate distance to the lecture rooms and programme office.  

Sports facilities

The University Sports Institute (USI) offers a wide range of courses (from Aerobics to Zen Meditation) to active students at reasonable prices.

Student clubs

  • Vienna University Philharmonic.
  • Students Acting Shakespeare Society.
  • EnChoir Vienna.
  • Uni-Verse.


  • The Vienna Master of Arts is a fully accredited programme. The MA degree is fully recognized and compatible with any other academic degree conferred by other private and public universities. 
  • The programme comprises of 9 obligatory modules (95 ECTS), a Master thesis (20 ECTS) and a thesis defence (5 ECTS), adding up to 120 ECTS in total.

Vienna, Vienna, Austria

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