The origins of the University of Florence go back to the Studium Generale set up by the Florentine Republic in 1321. The subjects taught were Civil and Canon Law, Literature, Medicine. There have been illustrious lecturers such as Giovanni Boccaccio, who lectured on the Divina Commedia.
In recent years the University of Florence has increasingly consolidated its ventures in the field of knowledge transfer: from the filing of patents to the setting up of joint workshops with businesses, through to participation in spin-off companies.Knowledge transfer activities are coordinated by CSAVRI (Centro di Servizi di Ateneo per la Valorizzazione della Ricerca e la gestione dell'Incubatore universitario), the centre for the enhancement of research and management of the university's incubator.
The University of Florence it is one of the largest and most productive public research systems in Italy. This result is accomplished thanks to the number of permanent and temporary researchers working in a wide range of disciplinary and scientific fields, and the numerous junior scientists in training. It is also due to an intensive participation in research programmes of national and international relevance and to the significant scientific results achieved. External funds support the research and knowledge transfer activities. This combination of factors qualifies the Florentine institution as a modern research university and accounts for its excellent position in national and world rankings.
Career Service is entirely dedicated to the job orientation and placement needs of students, graduates, doctoral students of the University of Florence, with the aim of providing solutions to the needs and expectations of its users. Career Service has the specific fuction of providing a targeted support for the career choices of our growing youth.
University Ranking
Student services
Services provided by Centro di Studio e Ricerca per le Problematiche della Disabilità CESPD
- The Study and Research Centre for Disability Issues has been set up to:
- receive disabled students, acknowledging their needs and planning the necessary actions to adopt
- provide services to enable full access to the resources offered during the academic path
Housing services
DSU Toscana is the Azienda per il Diritto allo Studio Universitario della Regione Toscana (Tuscan Regional Board for the Right to University Education), providing services to university students.DSU Toscana has several catering facilities (some of them are run by DSU, others have been contracted out to private firms) where university students may take their meals at affordable prices. DSU Toscana also helps students attend their university courses by giving them accommodation in its own facilities, subject to application and availability. Non-resident students who meet all financial and merit requirements, as detailed in the call published in the DSU website, may apply for accommodation in a hall of residence.
Library services
To falicitate access to resources some specific services have been activated, including home delivery loan service "The library ... comes to you!".
Medical services
Foreign students, both from within and outside the EU that are enrolled at university can register to the National Health Service for the duration of their studies.The registration will entitle the student to be enrolled in the regional health service system, to choose a General Practitioner and to receive the same healthcare services as any Italian citizen.
Sports facilities
The University Sports Centre (CUS) is equipped with three facilities. It promotes recreational activities and offers courses at basic, advanced and competitive levels in many sports. In addition to that it organises competitions, tournaments, national and international inter-university sporting events.
Student clubs
Cultural Centre for ForeignersFounded in 1907, The Centro di Cultura per Stranieri offers Italian language courses in four levels (foundation, intermediate, advanced intermediate and advanced), as well as the following courses of Italian culture:
- Italian Literature I and II
- History of Art I and II
- Italian History
- Etruscan Civilisation
- Art and Culture in Florence from Renaissance to Enlightenment
- History of Music
- Italian Movies
- History of the Italian Theatre
- Italian Eating Habits
- Food Culture
Florence University of the Arts - The American University of Florence is an Italian Institute of Higher Education accredited.