1 months
249 USD/full
249 USD/full
Tuition fee
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EdX is an online learning platform trusted by over 12 million users offering the Agile Innovation and Problem Solving Skills in collaboration with University System of Maryland - USMx. Learn how to deliver greater value through Agile solution targeting and theory of constraints that unleash your team’s innovative potential.

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The Agile Innovation and Problem Solving Skills  Certificate from EdX in partnership with University System of Maryland - USMx is part of the Agile Project Management Professional Certificate.

As an agile problem solver, you'll need to expand your critical thinking skills to address the key sources of risk in developing best solutions for your new products and business lines. 

This course is part of Agile Project Management Professional Certificate Program.

The course then moves on to practices such as "brainstorm and storm drain" to target new creative solutions. You will learn how innovation works on fast feedback cycles to test possible solutions and target root causes of defects. Creative thinking isn't a straight line, and neither should the problem-solving process be a straight line. Each course of action needs early and frequent testing.

What you will learn

  • How Agile manages solution risk and return more effectively
  • Accurate, effective requirements gathering that avoids delusionary “perspective taking”
  • Paradox of structure, aka “how constraints drive creativity and luck!” 
  • Test-driven development for faster, better solutions in complex systems
  • How to target scope to meet Performance Objectives via the Theory of Constraints

Programme Structure

Courses include:

  • Week 1: The first week of Innovation revisits concepts of capability delivery from technical perspective; asking how do we achieve a project's purpose to innovate? What are the risks and methods to be successful in delivering a defined output under uncertain conditions? Here the Theory of Constraints (TOC) is used to target innovation for maximum impact.
  • Week 2: The second week dives into the requirements gathering and validation process, and the science behind the most powerful requirement tool, a User Story, and how it forms the basis for Test-Drive Development (TDD)
  • Week 3: The third week looks at how adding constraints to solutioning unleashes creativity, luck, and productivity towards solving hard, uncertain problems.
  • Week 4: The fourth week culminates with the application of the TOC Thinking Processes, User Stories, and Constraints along with the use of the powerful system engineering solutioning techniques and tools like TRIZ.

Key information


  • Part-time
    • 1 months
    • 2 hrs/week

Start dates & application deadlines

You can apply for and start this programme anytime.




  • Self-paced

What students do after studying

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Academic requirements

We are not aware of any specific GRE, GMAT or GPA grading score requirements for this programme.

English requirements

We are not aware of any English requirements for this programme.

Other requirements

General requirements

  • Level:Advanced
  • Prerequisites:None

Tuition Fee

To always see correct tuition fees
  • International

    249 USD/full
    Tuition Fee
    Based on the tuition of 249 USD for the full programme during 1 months.
  • National

    249 USD/full
    Tuition Fee
    Based on the tuition of 249 USD for the full programme during 1 months.
  • Add a Verified Certificate for $249 USD
  • Limited access: free


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