Fulfilling the demand for people to learn on their own terms, edX is reimagining the possibilities of education, providing the highest-quality, stackable learning experiences including the groundbreaking MicroMasters® programs. Supporting learners at every stage, whether entering the job market, changing fields, seeking a promotion or exploring new interests, edX delivers courses for curious minds on topics ranging from data and computer science to leadership and communications. edX is where you go to learn.
Working with our xConsortium of university partners, edX is empowering research on pedagogy or learning about learning.
The online environment provides a powerful platform to conduct experiments, exploring how students learn and how faculty can best teach using a variety of novel tools and techniques.
Fundamental questions include:
- What motivates students to learn and persist?
- What helps students retain knowledge?
- What are the best ways to teach complex ideas?
- How can we assess what students have learned?
- What is best taught in person vs. online?
We are building, partnering, and promoting a software platform that brings together the best universities from all around the world to create courses for everyone, everywhere in the world—but we can’t do it without dedicated and talented people.