7 days
450 USD/full
450 USD/full
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EdX is an online learning platform trusted by over 12 million users offering the Credit and Credit Risk Analysis Professional Certificate Examination in collaboration with New York Institute of Finance - NYIFx. Complete the required exam to earn your professional certificate in Credit and Credit Risk Analysis from the New York Institute of Finance.

Visit programme website for more information


Ready to earn a Credit and Credit Risk Analysis Professional Certificate Examination   that is part of the Credit Risk and Credit Analysis Professional Certificate from New York Institute of Finance - NYIFx and stand out in your field? This course is part of Credit Risk and Credit Analysis Professional Certificate Program.

If you’ve gained a clear, comprehensive understanding of the courses, your next step is to complete the Credit and Credit Risk Analysis Professional Certificate Examination from the New York Institute of Finance. 

The exam comprises 35 questions, timed at one hour. To qualify for the certificate, learners must receive a grade of at least 70% or higher.

Prerequisite for this exam:

Earn a Verified Certificate in all parts of the Credit and Credit Risk Analysis program from NYIF:

  • Risk Management and Credit Principles
  • Ratio Analysis
  • Cash Flow Analysis
  • Projections and Structuring

Programme Structure

What you'll learn

Learners who successfully complete the 4-course professional certificate program and pass the final exam will be able to: 

  • Recognize how to prepare business and industry analysis to understand companies, projects, business models, and financing proposals and its use as a basis for financial analysis, project analysis, and risk decisions.
  • Understand financial ratios and metrics to evaluate a company's profitability, balance sheet, capital structure and cash flow to assess overall financial performance and condition.
  • Understand how to use methodology to determine financial ratings.
  • Identify, recognize and evaluate off-balance-sheet risks and related items.
  • Prepare cash-flow analysis related to a company, specific projects or specific financing proposals.
  • Prepare projections of profitability, balance sheets, capital structure, and cash flow.

Key information


  • Part-time
    • 7 days
    • 1 hrs/week

Start dates & application deadlines

You can apply for and start this programme anytime.




  • Self-paced

What students do after studying

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Academic requirements

We are not aware of any specific GRE, GMAT or GPA grading score requirements for this programme.

English requirements

We are not aware of any English requirements for this programme.

Other requirements

General requirements

  • To obtain additional information about the programme, we kindly suggest that you visit the programme website, where you can find further details and relevant resources. 

Tuition Fee

To always see correct tuition fees
  • International

    450 USD/full
    Tuition Fee
    Based on the tuition of 450 USD for the full programme during 7 days.
  • National

    450 USD/full
    Tuition Fee
    Based on the tuition of 450 USD for the full programme during 7 days.
  • Add a Verified Certificate for $450 USD
  • Limited access:free


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Credit and Credit Risk Analysis Professional Certificate Examination
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