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Introduction to International Relations Boston University

1 months
3180 USD/full
3180 USD/full
Tuition fee
Apply date
Start date


The Introduction to International Relations programme is offered by Boston University.


The Programme

The Introduction to International Relations programme is offered by Boston University. explores major issues in international relations, including conflict, cooperation, and governance. 

Addresses dominant international relations theories and their application. Investigates state system, international law and organization, transnational actors, state behavior, and globalization. 

Programme Structure

  • Carries social science divisional credit in CAS. Effective Fall 2018, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Social Inquiry I, Global Citizenship and Intercultural Literacy.

Key information


  • Part-time
    • 1 months

Start dates & application deadlines

More details






What students do after studying

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Academic requirements

We are not aware of any specific GRE, GMAT or GPA grading score requirements for this programme.

Other requirements

General requirements

  • BU Alert phone number
This number is used to notify you of a University-wide emergency. You can update your Alert Number on the Student Link, “Personal” tab, under the “Address and Phone” option.
  • Financial obligation
Students are required to settle their Student Account by the payment deadlines set for each academic term. A hold will be placed on accounts that are not settled, which will prevent future registration activity until the payment is made.
  • Immunization
Massachusetts law requires all full-time students and all international students to be immunized against a number of diseases in order to attend the University. Students must obtain these immunizations to remain in compliance.
  • Local address
In order to comply with the safety regulations of the City of Boston, students must provide a current local address. You can view and update your local address on the Student Link, “Personal” tab, “Address and Phone” option.

Tuition Fee

To always see correct tuition fees
  • International

    3180 USD/full
    Tuition Fee
    Based on the tuition of 3180 USD for the full programme during 1 months.
  • National

    3180 USD/full
    Tuition Fee
    Based on the tuition of 3180 USD for the full programme during 1 months.


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Introduction to International Relations
Boston University
Introduction to International Relations
Boston University


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