You’ll learn knowledge and skills that can be applied to situations you’re familiar with, can inform your practice, and can help you develop both yourself and those you work with.
Support from your tutor in Sport and Exercise Psychology in Action module at The Open University UK
You’ll have a tutor to help you with the study material and mark and comment on your assignments. You can also ask your tutor for advice and guidance. If you are new to the OU, you will find that your tutor will be particularly concerned to help you with your study methods. Contact with your tutor will be through the following methods:
- online tutorials
- online forum
- email or telephone.
Programme Structure
- Exploring sport and exercise psychology
- Sport Psychology: insights and applications
- Psychological skills training
- Exercise psychology: insights and applications
- Special topics in sport and exercise psychology
Key information
- Part-time
- 8 months
Start dates & application deadlines
- Starting
- Apply before
Psychology Coaching Sport and Exercise Science View 137 other Short Courses in Psychology in United KingdomWhat students do after studying
Academic requirements
We are not aware of any specific GRE, GMAT or GPA grading score requirements for this programme.
English requirements
We are not aware of any English requirements for this programme.
Other requirements
General requirements
- This module has no entry requirements.
- However, it would be beneficial if you have some experiences of working or participating in sport and exercise.
- This is an OU level 2 module that builds on study skills acquired from OU level 1 modules. We make no assumptions about your subject knowledge.
Tuition Fee
3736 GBP/fullTuition FeeBased on the tuition of 3736 GBP for the full programme during 8 months. -
3736 GBP/fullTuition FeeBased on the tuition of 3736 GBP for the full programme during 8 months.