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Key facts
EHL Hospitality Business School's Hospitality Economics focuses on applying economic principles to analyze the hospitality industry. You will learn how to use rigorous economic theories and models to analyze the functioning of the hospitality industry and its current trends. We will focus on micro-foundations and analyze the impact of the hospitality industry on the aggregate economy.
Programme Structure
Courses include:
- Micro economics
- The Hospitality Industry
- Game theory
- Asymmetric information
- Two sided-markets
Key information
- Part-time
- 1 months
- 8 hrs/week
Start dates & application deadlines
You can apply for and start this programme anytime.
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Academic requirements
We are not aware of any specific GRE, GMAT or GPA grading score requirements for this programme.
English requirements
We are not aware of any English requirements for this programme.
Other requirements
General requirements
- There are no admission requirements to enroll to this course.
Tuition Fee
To always see correct tuition fees
2200 CHF/fullTuition FeeBased on the tuition of 2200 CHF for the full programme during 1 months. -
2200 CHF/fullTuition FeeBased on the tuition of 2200 CHF for the full programme during 1 months.
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