Power Shift - The Decline of the West and The Crisis of the Liberal International Order, Certificate | London School of Economics and Political Science | London, United Kingdom
Certificate On Campus

Power Shift - The Decline of the West and The Crisis of the Liberal International Order

33 days
2950 GBP/full
2950 GBP/full
Tuition fee
Apply date
Start date


At the beginning of the 21st century the world stood on the cusp of what most experts assumed would be a golden age of international peace and prosperity guaranteed by American power and underwritten by a world market dominated by the West. London School of Economics and Political Science offers the Power Shift - The Decline of the West and The Crisis of the Liberal International Order programme.


Key facts

But 9/11 and the financial crisis of 2008 followed, leaving the United States in decline, Europe in tatters, and the balance of power rapidly shifting eastwards towards Asia and China and southwards towards the ‘Global South’. Pundits even began to talk of a new world disorder in the making.

Certainly, with the challenges posed by the rise of populism in the West, a more assertive China and Russia led by Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin respectively, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and conflicts in the Middle East, and the impact of COVID-19 and climate change, it does appear as if the international system has become a much less peaceful and stable place. Some even wonder whether the Liberal international order itself is now under threat.But how have all these major changes come about? What has been their impact on international affairs? Is the West in decline and are we heading toward a new world order? These are at least three of the big questions we will be seeking to answer in London School of Economics and Political Science's Power Shift - The Decline of the West and The Crisis of the Liberal International Order course.

Programme Structure

Courses include:

  • The Rise and Fall and Great Powers in World History
  • War and Global Power Shifts in the 20th Century
  • Revolutions and Global Power Shifts
  • An Empire of Liberty? The Rise of the US and Liberal Internationalism
  • The US in Decline? From the Unipolar Moment to the Present
  • The Rise of China and the BRICS

Key information


  • Full-time
    • 33 days

Start dates & application deadlines






On Campus

Academic requirements

We are not aware of any specific GRE, GMAT or GPA grading score requirements for this programme.

English requirements

We are not aware of any English requirements for this programme.

Student insurance

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  • Additional medical costs (i.e. dental)
  • Repatriation, if something happens to you or your family
  • Liability
  • Home contents and baggage
  • Accidents
  • Legal aid

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Remember, countries and universities may have specific insurance requirements. To learn more about how student insurance work at London School of Economics and Political Science and/or in United Kingdom, please visit Student Insurance Portal.

Other requirements

General requirements

The course is designed with several different audiences in mind: undergraduate students at all levels looking for an expert guide through contemporary international issues; policy-makers at all levels seeking an in-depth survey of the main challenges facing the world today; those from any of the major social science disciplines who take the ‘global’ seriously; members of international organisations and NGOs; and anybody with a keen interest in international affairs who wishes to deepen his or her understanding of world issues.

Tuition Fee

To always see correct tuition fees
  • International

    2950 GBP/full
    Tuition Fee
    Based on the tuition of 2950 GBP for the full programme during 33 days.
  • National

    2950 GBP/full
    Tuition Fee
    Based on the tuition of 2950 GBP for the full programme during 33 days.
  •  Student rate: £2,950 
  •  Standard rate: £3,950

Living costs for London

1137 - 2157 GBP /month
Living costs

The living costs include the total expenses per month, covering accommodation, public transportation, utilities (electricity, internet), books and groceries.


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Power Shift - The Decline of the West and The Crisis of the Liberal International Order
London School of Economics and Political Science
Power Shift - The Decline of the West and The Crisis of the Liberal International Order
London School of Economics and Political Science


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