Mohawk College is a Public College of Applied Arts and Technology and was established in 1966. College is located at the Golden Horseshoe in Ontario, Canada with 4 Campuses in Hamilton Region including Stoney Creek.
Future Ready is our career-focused roadmap providing for students through innovation and building a success with its students focused, committed to excellence and engaging our community.
We provide the best World-Class education to prepare highly skilled graduates for their success, contribute to the community, Canada and the world. We offer an extensive range of programs in Preparatory Studies, Post-Secondary, Post-Graduate and Bachelor Programs such as:
- Creative Industries
- Business
- Engineering: Building & Construction
- Engineering: Chemical & Mechanical
- Engineering: Computer and Electrical
- Community, Health & Human Services
- Graduate Certificates
- English for Academic Purposes
University pathways and credit transfers are available whether you are looking pathways to, within or beyond Mohawk.
Mohawk is a Leader in Applied Research ranking 12th in Canada and 5th in Ontario (in 2022). IDEAWORKS is the main Mohawk's HUB focusing on the Applied Research & Innovation partnering with industries, communities and government in the following essential areas:
- MEDIC (mHealth and eHealth Development and Innovation Centre)
- AMIC (Additive Manufacturing Innovation Centre)
- EPIC (Energy and Power Innovation Centre)
- MTIC (Medical Technologies Innovation Centre)
- Augmented and Virtual Reality (XR)
- Industrial Internet of Things Research
- Sustainability Research
- URSIC (Unmanned and Remote Sensing Innovation Centre)
- Digital Transformation
- Cybersecurity
- Student Success & Social Innovation
- Centre for Climate Change Management
Career Ready - Student and Graduate Employment services with Co-op options for current students and after graduation.
*85% of graduates are working within six months of graduating (fast facts 2024).*
Hamilton is known as a Great Toronto-Hamilton Area which is diverse, industrial, ongoing economic and culturally diverse region and considered as a Canadian business leader.
Eight biggest Hamilton industries driving the workforce and economic development within the region, across Canada and worldwide:
1. Manufacturing
2. Food & Agribusiness
3. Information and Communication Technologies & Digital Media
4. Tourism
5. Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate
6. Transportation
7. Health Care and Life Sciences
8. Creative Arts
Student services
International Division: Student Services, International Student Engagement & Support are available through all Campuses: Fennel, Institute for Applied Health Sciences at McMaster University, Centre for Aviation Technology at Hamilton International Airport & Stoney Creek for Skilled Trades and Apprenticeship.
We provide an outstanding student experience to succeed successfully through the international student journey with:
- Applicant support
- Check-in, Registration, Timetable
- Academic support
- Career Center
- Student Well Being
- Arrivals & Transitioning to Canada
- Housing
- Permits & Visas
- Global engagement
- Awards & Scholarships
- Accessibility Learning Services
- Pathways, credit - degree transfers
- Students Events & Engagement
Housing services
Living in Canada - Student Housing options are available to students with an individual approach. Accommodating your needs that are crucial in providing you with the best living options while completing your studies, meeting friends, and engaging in the community.
Explore our housing options to ensure comfort, safety and affordability empowering you to focus on your personal, academic and career growth.
Mohawk Residence
Linden Hall
Off-Campus Housing
Library services
Mohawk Library provides a support to students by fostering academic success through innovative spaces, services and collections that are accessible, inclusive and responsive.
- In Person Research Assistance
- Individual and Group Study Space
- Bookable Study Pods
- Silent Study Space
- Printing, Copying and Scanning
- Books and Paperbacks for loan
- Computers for student use
- Calculators and Phone changers for loan
ICT services
Information Technology Services helping students to navigate through student systems, accessing their Office 365 account, and using other digital tools. Equipping students to learn, study, work and collaborate for academic success and projects.
- WiFi set-up
- Digital Project Tools
- Technical resources for students
- Laptop and AV equipment loans
- Technical issues and software requirements solutions
Medical services
Mohawk College provides an inclusive care for international students and their families taking care of the health overall.
*Health Insurance is included into the international tuition fee - guard.me.
We also provide Health & Dental Insurance coverage under MSA (Mohawk Student Association).
Other Clinic services available such as The Student Massage & Fitness Clinic, Health & Wellness Center.
Campus life
Mohawk has 4 world-class campuses in Great Toronto-Hamilton Area.
Fennell Campus
- Main campus with up-to date latest technology and new space - The Joyce Centre for Partnership & Innovation with first zero-carbon institutional building.
Centre for Aviation Technology at Hamilton International Airport
- Spacious classrooms, labs and hangar space for Mohawk's Aviation Technician programs.
- Top technology facilities for skilled trades professionals. Mohawk is the largest trainers of apprentices in Ontario.
- Outstanding facilities with simulation, computer and digital labs. Home to six hospitals and a cancer centre.
Sports facilities
Athletics and Recreation Centre offers state-of-the-art facilities to support the athletics, and level-up your wellness and recreation needs overall. We are focusing on your high-performance podium, classroom and community success.
- The David Braley Athletic & Recreation Centre (DBARC) is located at Fennell Campus. Mountaineers Athletics at Mohawk Varsity teams: Basketball, Cross country, Curling, Lacrosse Sixes, Soccer, Softball, Volleyball.
- Located at Mohawk College's Stoney Creek campus, the Fitness Centre includes a variety of weights and cardio equipment for the physical activities.
Student clubs
We build strong, inclusive and meaningful relationships in all aspects including personal and professional development through Mohawk Student Association, Clubs and Communities for engagement, advocacy, leadership and sustainability.
Discounted events and trips.
College and Community events and trips within and beyond Canada.
MSA services include: Career Closet, Equipment Loans, Food Security, Grad Photos, Health & Dental Insurance, Home & Auto Insurance. Legal Counselling, Mental Health, MSA PRESTO Buss Pass, MSA Student Experience Fund.
Join or Open the Club - just simple submit the Application Form.
Mohawk College is fully accredited and funded by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities and is a member of the Association of Community Colleges of Canada (ACCC).