Everything you need to know about studying a short course in Interior Design

part of Arts, Design & Architecture

Interior Design has gained the status of an independent discipline that involves improving living conditions by creating an environment that combines aesthetic principles as well as anthropology and ergonomics. Interior Design helps the growing functionality and quality of interior spaces by combining creativity with visual sensitivity as well as technical elements. Interior Design is related to similar disciplines such as Graphic Design, Industrial Design and Landscape Architecture.

There are three main areas of interest in Interior Design: house decoration, residential design and commercial design. Studies offer knowledge and relevant information on elements and principles of design, architectural design and survey, interior planning, or graphic techniques for interior design.

Interior Design helps students develop creative abilities and excellent interpersonal skills. Interior design professionals are generally organised people with a great attention to detail. In terms of technical skills, these students require the ability to make calculations and to be proficient in design software applications. You will be responsible for selecting the convenient materials and products that will be used to create and furnish living spaces and must know how texture, colour, lighting and other factors combine and interact.

Interior Desing graduates usually embrace careers as interior designers, landscape decorators, event planners, exhibitions designers, etc.

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