Everything you need to know about studying a short course in Chemical Engineering

part of Engineering & Technology

Chemical Engineering is an interdisciplinary subject that deals with transforming raw materials into useful products. People who work in Chemical Engineering focus on developing and optimising the processes used to create and refine products. Chemical engineers also strive to create better materials, which have improved properties, are more durable and last longer.

Chemical Engineering is a broad field of study that encompasses Chemistry, Biology, Applied Mathematics and Engineering Science.

Some of the things you'll study during courses in Chemical Engineering are Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Chemical Reaction Kinetics, and Process Design. You will need these engineering and scientific principles for your research and analytical work. You will also develop problem-solving and evaluating skills.

From optimising DNA sequencing to discovering how algae can be used as an alternative for petroleum, you could say chemical engineers have solutions to any problem. Chemical Engineering graduates learn to develop new drugs, and fertilizers, increase energy efficiency and manage chemical plants.

Many people might not understand exactly what you do and how it works – but that’s ok. You can simply tell them that many of the things they take for granted on a daily basis are influenced by your work. You will sleep better at night knowing that you’re making the world safer, faster, and healthier.

Chemical Engineering graduates find jobs as chemical engineers, energy engineers, product development scientists, material scientists, nuclear engineers, and others.

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