
Cape Peninsula University of Technology

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The Cape Peninsula University of Technology was established on 1 January 2005, when the Cape Technikon and Peninsula Technikon merged. This merger was part of a national transformation process that transformed the higher education landscape in South Africa.


During March 2001, the Minister of Education, Kader Asmal, announced the National Plan on Higher Education. This plan saw the merger of various higher education institutions across South Africa and the formation of Universities of Technology.

After lengthy processes, which involved the setting up of merger task teams and a renaming process, the Minister in 2003 approved the name, Cape Peninsula University of Technology.


Strategic Initiatives and Partnerships (SIP) resides in the office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research, Technology and Innovation (RTI) and is the custodian of all strategic initiatives and partnerships (local and international) at CPUT, primarily based in the RTI portfolio but also linked to the teaching and learning, and community engagement portfolios. The nexus of the unit is the uptake of research through technology and innovation using the CPUT research strategy (the RTI blueprint) as guiding vehicle.

Student services

Office of International Affairs

This unit reports directly to the Registrar and they are responsible for evaluating all foreign undergraduate application forms. Postgraduate applicants need to send their qualifications to SAQA if their previous qualifications were done outside South Africa.

Housing services

CPUT offers residence space for almost 8 000 students. Our residences are spread across the Cape Peninsula in the areas surrounding our campuses.

Library services

The Library offers comfortable spaces to work individually, in a group and offers a lounge area to indulge a newspaper, discussion or simply to relax with a good book.

Campus life

We strive to accommodate at least 7 800 students each night in our comfortable and conducive CPUT residences throughout our academic period. After all, our students need a convenient place to lay their heads to rest after a tiring day. Within an almost universal feel to all our residences, we strive for better standards, comfort and security for the convenience of our students. We offer both single and sharing rooms, with communal facilities to create a pleasant family environment for students.

Sports facilities

You’ll also be exposed to many opportunities for personal development and learning ensuring that when you graduate, you not only leave us with a qualification, but the necessary life skills to excel in the outside world. The learning experiences we provide in residences can be grouped into three main areas:

  • academic support
  • social development
  • health and wellness

Student clubs

Studying at CPUT is not only about getting a degree, but also about developing yourself and having a fulfilled student life. To help achieve a balanced student life, Student Affairs offers a wide variety of extra-mural activities, mostly free of charge, which will enhance your student experience at the CPUT.

Rosebank, Western Cape, South Africa

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