
ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

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ETH university for science and technology dates back to the year 1855, when the founders of modern-day Switzerland created it as a centre of innovation and knowledge. The successful combination of cosmopolitanism and strong connections at national level transformed the fledgling educational institution into one of the driving forces behind Swiss industrialisation. 


ETH Zurich trains true experts and prepares its students to carry out their tasks as critical members of their communities, making an important contribution to the sustainable development of science, the economy and society. More than 400 professors teach and conduct research in the areas of engineering, architecture, mathematics, natural sciences, system-oriented sciences, and management and social sciences.


ETH Zurich carries out fundamental research to broaden the knowledge base and provide the starting point for future innovative applications. The research is focused on the needs of society be that at local, national or global level and so makes a valuable contribution to the economy, politics and society in general.Based on the Strategy 2012-16, ETH Zurich is focusing, amongst others, on the areas of world food system, cities of the future, climate change, energy, health, risk research, information processing, new materials and industrial processes. ETH Zurich orients its research strategy around global challenges such as climate change, world food supply and human health issues.


Transferring its knowledge to the private sector and society at large is one of ETH Zurichs primary concerns. It has succeeded in this, as borne out by the 80 new patent applications each year and the 215 spin-off companies that were created out of the institute between 1996 and 2010. ETH Zurich orients its research strategy around global challenges such as climate change, world food supply and human health issues.

University Ranking

QS World University Rankings by TopUniversities
7 2
QS World University Rankings is one of the top international rankings measuring the popularity and performance of universities all over the world.
World University Rankings by Times Higher Education
World University Rankings is a vital resource that provides the definitive list of the world's best universities.
Academic Ranking of World Universities by Shanghai Jiao Tong University
21 -1
ARWU World University rankings is the first world university ranking. It ranks the world's top 1000 colleges and universities based on objective indicator.
Best Global Universities Rankings by U.S. News & World Report
33 -4
Best Global Universities Rankings by U.S. News & World Report presents all the top universities from the U.S. and 60 other countries around the world.

Student services

The Student Services (StS) unit coordinates all the activities and services for potential and existing students at the interface between Swiss secondary schools and ETH Zurich. This entails helping future students to choose a course of studies, preparing them for the reality of the study programme they have chosen and trying to make the initial phase of their studies easier. StS also advises students on financing their studies, the search for accommodation, travel to Switzerland and other issues regarding Zurich as a place to study.

Housing services

All students and employees of University and ETH Zurich can use the services of the Housing Office free of charge. Everyone, also non members of the two universities, are welcome to advertise accommodation free of charge. You can place adverts for rooms, apartments or houses which are located in Zurich and its surroundings. The accommodation can be furnished or unfurnished and it can be available temporarily or open-ended. More information and the accommodation adverts are available on the website. The full details of the adverts are only accessible for registered users who identify themselves as members of UZH/ETH whilst creating a user account.

Library services

Around a dozen libraries supply members of ETH Zurich with literature and services that are relevant for research and teaching. ETH Library is ETH Zurich’s central university library.

ICT services

The Service Desk is part of the IT Service Delivery section and is the gateway to the IT Services department. The IT Service Desk staff are familiar with all services and their “operating conditions”.

Medical services

Promoting health in the workplace covers a number of specialist areas, which can be divided – as we have done here – into the categories of occupational safety, occupational medicine and industrial hygiene. SSHE helps members of ETH Zurich resolve questions relating to these areas, either directly or by referring them to a specialist.

Campus life

ETH Zurich is concentrating its spatial and structural development in the Zurich area on its two main locations, Zentrum and Hönggerberg.  These two sites are home to a wide range of teaching and research offerings and services.

About 30,000 people study, teach, carry out research and work at ETH Zurich. That means the university is the same size as a some small towns in SwitzerlandSwiss town. And campus life is correspondingly varied: in addition to numerous scientific events, the its attractions also include exhibitions, concerts, cinema film showings, sports clubs, science slams and big social events like the Polyball, which is well-known far beyond the city.

Sports facilities

  • The "Relax" room
  • Quiet Room
  • Table tennis
  • Chess
  • Bouldering
  • Slacklining
  • Dance

Student clubs


VSETH stands for «Verband der Studierenden an der ETH Zürich» («Union of students at ETH Zurich») and is the umbrella organisation for the faculty associations.Main duties of VSETH
  • to represent the students and protect their interests
  • to set up and promote services
  • to promote cultural and scientific interests


ETH Zurich regularly features in international rankings as one of the best universities in the world and the leading university in continental Europe.When the rankings are differentiated by specialist area, ETH Zurich is in the first twelve for Science and Engineering in the THE and QS listings.

Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland

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